WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. ViSIT Forum 090605 Paper 1 CAIRNGORMS BRAND MANAGEMENT UPDATE Role of Brand Management Committee 1. A Brand Management Committee (BMC) has been set up to manage the implementation of the new Cairngorms Brand, comprising representatives from the CNPA board and staff, Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce, Association of Cairngorms Community Councils and VisitScotland. 2. The development of a Cairngorms brand was widely supported by the tourism industry and communities as a means of presenting a coherent visual identity for the area. At the same time as the visual identity was being developed, stakeholders were asked to comment on the criteria for use of the brand. As a result, it was agreed that where possible use of the brand should be tied to existing quality assurance schemes. The role of the Committee is to decide on appropriate schemes, and advise on individual cases where there are no appropriate sectoral schemes. Agreement on Criteria for Use of the Brand 3. At a meeting on 26th April, the committee decided on appropriate quality assurance schemes for the tourism sector. 4. Tourism businesses will therefore be subject to: • Membership of VisitScotland’s star rating system (or any equivalent scheme when ongoing work on common standards with the English Tourist Board, Welsh Tourist Board, RAC and AA is completed). VisitScotland plan to draft ‘code of conduct’ agreements for tourism businesses that do not fall into a current sectoral QA scheme and this would also be acceptable for use of the brand. • A commitment to achieving, within one year, at least Bronze level of the Green Tourism Business Scheme (or equivalent scheme such as Green Globe 21) 5. The BMC have also received applications from tourism associations and community groups, which at this stage cannot comply with traditional QA schemes, and it has therefore been decided to approve usage on the websites and literature of these groups, as long as a short note of explanation appears alongside the brand telling visitors that those businesses promoting the brand had individually met the required criteria. Applications 5. The management of the application process is currently being finalised through discussions with VisitScotland. Thereafter efforts will focus on raising awareness of the brand with tourism businesses and encouraging use by those businesses who meet the criteria agreed. 6. In the meantime the brand has been used by the CNPA on interim entry point signage and visitor information. The BMC also approved the use of the brand on a new park-wide information guide and events listing, Park i. Next steps and issues for further discussion 6. Future meetings of the brand management committee will discuss criteria for use of the brand in areas such as food marketing and arts & crafts. The ViSIT Forum will be kept up to date with developments. 7. In cases where there is no appropriate sectoral QA scheme for tourism businesses, VisitScotland are planning to produce code of conduct agreements in the meantime, and it has been suggested that the CNP act as a pilot area for these. 8. The CNPA have the brand registered as a trademark and monitoring of brand use also needs to be considered.